

Walking in our healing is a journey that God invites us into. We are learning to walk with Jesus daily in our healing. Sometimes it is easy to lose faith, but the good news is you can move past any wound you have with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


God can ABSOLUTELY restore anything according to His will. We must trust that this can be done and know that He is the author of all life and by HIS grace has extended restoration to all areas of our lives.


We hold 10 day schools to help develop your relationship through discipleship, teaching and ministry training. Building our strengths with and through Him helps us and others along this journey that we call life.

Prairie Winds Centre


  • Weekend and Weekday Events

  • Ministry and Discipleship Training

  • Marriage Events
  • Pastors and Leaders Retreats

  • Online Teachings

Alberta Team2 Group Photo - Prairie Winds Centre
Prairie Winds Centre Alberta

Praire Winds Centre


Prairie Winds Centre, (formally Ellel Canada West since 1999), has been based in Didsbury Alberta since year 2014. We offer opportunities for training as well as personal prayer ministry. It is thrilling to see people being healed and set free on retreats and trained and equipped in our schools to fulfil the call and purposes of God in their lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. We offer weekend and midweek short courses and Healing Retreats. We provide up to 2 training schools a year to empower people to pray for the wounded within the body of Christ.

Upcoming Events at Prairie Winds

Please check out our upcoming events below. If you are looking at joining us on one of these events and have any further questions, please call the office at 403-335-4900.

  • These days will bring you into a deeper relationship through inner healing with our Heavenly Father. During this time He will reveal things that have been blocking your relationship with Him and others. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that

  • Join us for a 48 hour corporate fast. Come away from the busyness of life and “Be still” and know that He is God.  Enjoy both alone time with God, and corporate times of worship and opening the Word together. On Thursday afternoon we will break the fast with communion and a light supper before you head home. “You will

  • God's desire is for wholeness and freedom for every part of your being, so that you can fulfill the destiny and future He has prepared for you. This week gives you an opportunity to understand the causes of damage in your life and to personally receive God's restoration. Damaged buildings do not function as the builder intended. Restoration, sometimes even

  • Come and receive our Heavenly Father’s healing as you walk through grief and loss. We grieve many things such as death and loss of people, jobs, dreams, or pets. Grief is different for every person depending on your loss and how far along you are in your journey. Grief and loss are better done when you are holding on to

Prairie Winds Centre



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I have seen my wounds more closely and I can see the lost and loss that incurred in me and my relationships.  I was able to forgive and let God fill those places (at least started).  I am closer to my wife than I have ever been and I am so grateful for her regaining her voice and speaking into her pain.  We do have hope and I am eternally grateful.



Prairie Winds Centre logo

God has helped break down some of the lies I have been believing and has reminded me of His goodness (He does speak to me.) and love.  Through my ministry times, He revealed wounds and trauma that I didn’t know I carried, allowing us to pray through them and break them off.  The teachings have me greater insight into God’s character and desire for me, leaving me feeling very encouraged and built up / Strengthened in His truth.



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After a skiing accident resulting in a broken hip & consequentially having to go through two surgeries on it, I received healing for shock & trauma. During the healing process I felt a heaviness lift off that hip I accepted as a normal feeling. Prior to this weekend I have been getting discomfort & sometimes pain as I went through my normal daily activities, that pain is gone now as well. I thank God for healing He has given me, and am thankful for the Team at Prairie Winds.


Prairie Winds Centre
