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Jesus said “When you fast … your Father …. Will reward you.” Matthew 6:16-18

Jesus invited His followers to fast and connected it with a promise that the Father would reward their faith and trust in Him. In our fast-paced, instant, busy culture fasting is not a frequently practised spiritual discipline. Fasting is voluntarily abstaining from something good (food, TV shows, entertainment, etc.) for spiritual growth.

At Prairie Winds, we have experienced the breakthrough that happens when we respond to the Lord’s invitation to fast. We have decided to create a retreat experience and connect with the Lord through corporate and individual fasting, worship, teaching, and creative ministry. You will receive biblical examples and practical how-to tips with plenty of opportunities to try them out and see what God has for each of us. You will have personal time to journal, pray, rest, and reset your spirit with the Lord. We will conclude our time together by gently breaking our fast Thursday evening before you leave.

Cost includes, accommodations, teachings, food

Registration: Monday 6:00 pm Departure: Friday 6:00 pm

Register now to ensure a spot.


For some medical conditions fasting is not recommended.  Consult your medical practitioner.


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